
Self-talk is the internal dialog of a person that he is making with himself. Self-talk is empowering when it is positive and harmful when it is negative. Everybody does positive and negative self-talk at times during the day. But continuous negative self-talk can harm a person’s personality and especially the Kids. Negative self-talk is an inner dialogue that may be limiting your ability to believe in yourself and to reach your potential. Our Kids at their learning age easily fall for negative self-talk when they fail to accomplish a task or learn something new. It is a difficult thing for us as parents to see our Children scolding themselves, underestimating themselves, and putting themselves down. This negative self-talk harms the personality of Kids in several ways. The Kids stop believing in themselves and keep themselves refrain from accepting new challenges. It is essential for parents to unstuck the child from the negative self-talk and help them overcome emotional difficulties. 

In this blog article, you will read about the causes of negative self-talk in children. After reading this article, you will also learn the consequences of negative self-talk and how to get your Child unstuck from negative self-talk. 

Causes of negative self-talk

Several factors cause negative self-talk in children. To get your Child away from negative self-talk, it is essential to know what causes it. Below are the causes of negative self-talk in children:

  • Kids at a younger age are typically impatient and wanted to do everything perfect. When they are trying to learn new things, habits, skills and couldn’t learn, they indulge in negative talk. 
  • Negative talk in children occurs when something disappointing happens around them, and they let it seep into all parts of their lives. 
  • Children being bullied or scolded more than often also use negative self-talk. They assume that no one likes them, or they are ugly and annoying.

Consequences of negative self-talk

Negative self-talk in children is essential to address head-on. If left alone, it can lead to a vicious cycle of negativity and low self-esteem. The following are the consequences of negative self-talk:

  • It causes depression and anxiety in Kids. They become unsatisfied with themselves and remain unhappy with themselves. 
  • One of the main consequences of negative self-talk is low self-esteem. Kids involved in negative self-talk at a younger age become prone to perfectionism, and when something doesn’t happen as perfect as they want it to be, they become frustrated. 
  • Kids with negative self-talk hesitate to accept new Challenges as they lose self-confidence in themselves. It is due to the negativity in their head. 

How to get your child unstuck from negative self-talk?

Addressing negative Self-talk in your child at a younger age is essential to avoid its consequences in the future. The following are how you can make your child unstuck from negative thoughts and negative self-talk:

KNOW THE REASON OF PARTICULAR NEGATIVE WORD: To address negativity in your child as a parent, first, you should try to know what causes negativity in your child. Maybe he/she is having difficulty completing a math problem or helping a friend out and may be he/she is anxious from exams. Knowing the problem that is causing negative self-talk is the first step to help your children come out of it. 

Acknowledge their feelings and empathize with their struggle: As a parent, you should put yourself in your children’s shoes and experience what they feel. Make them know that whatever they’re worried about will be alright and it is not their fault. Make them understand that it is okay if things didn’t happen as they wanted or if something goes wrong. Acknowledge their pain and then normalize it. 

Let them embrace imperfection: At times, parents develop a sense of perfectionism in Kids that is a good thing. But with perfectionism, parents also teach their Kids to accept things when they aren’t perfect. Let them understand that it is okay to make mistakes and then learn from them. 

Empower them and give them the confidence to solve the problem: Children having negative self-talk often think that they are not good at doing specific tasks or they can’t do specific things. Parents should empower them and make them confident enough to solve problems and do stuff. You can do this by reminding them of the time when they have done a similar task or by saying these words to your Kids:

I know you can do this!

You will learn soon I believe in you!

Do not be scared, I’m with you!

You have done an amazing job!

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